Mindfulness 101 With Dr. Kay Colbert

Dr. Kay Colbert is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Dallas, Texas and has a long-standing interest in mindfulness based practices. She received her doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice with her dissertation research focusing on using mindfulness interventions with addiction. In addition to her doctorate she has had extensive professional training throughout he University of California San Diego Center for Mindfulness and also with Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Her specialty is in trauma, substance abuse and addictive behaviors. Dr. Colbert lectures around the country on mental health, addiction, trauma and mindfulness topics. She leads mindfulness trainings at the Dallas Yoga Center, in person and online.

In this amazing and revealing podcast - Dr. Colbert shares with us just how simple the act of mindfulness can be in our normal, everyday life. Mindfulness certainly isn’t just for the good to great meditators and those on a cushion in a yoga studio or in a quiet dark room. Mindfulness is found in the most informal of moments like while you are brushing your teeth, taking a shower or drinking a cup of tea.

Dr. Colbert shares tools that are hugely impactful in peoples daily lives and she even takes us through a mindfulness exercise that allows you to feel the power of being Mindful In The Moment



  1. Dr. Colbert brings the practice of Mindfulness to life in her discussion as to how mindfulness can become a part of your everyday routine to enrich, enhance and deepen your living within each moment.

  2. Discovering, Exploring, Learning and Expanding Mentally, Soulfully and Spiritually on this podcast with my honored guests is like my own private therapy session that takes place very publicly and unfolds before my very eyes in the sacred moments shared here….

  3. ENDURING The Moments, Hours, Days etc … ENGAGING our moments, hours, days etc…. EVOLVING our moments, hours, days into our future of now.



Be Brave! Be Open! Be Attentive To What Is Meant For Your Expansion But Most Of All … BE YOU!

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